Singapore Math / Elementary School
Building the number sense is the most cruicial part of the elementary school math from Grades 1-5. This ranges from the places value in the decimal number system using base 10 blocks to understaning the part whole relationships through fractions/decimals/percents . In teaching these grades, I also integrate the Singapore Math approach to drive certain concepts harder. I introduce the concepts using concrete-pictorial-abstract aspects. Virtual manipulatives will be deployed to explore fraction bars/number lines/ percent models etc. Bar modeling will be used to enhance the understanding of relationships between quantities.
Students will master:
- Place values to thousand, ten thousand or million
- All four operations according to their respective grade level
- Mental math and estimations to build a strong number sense
- Fraction representations and operations
- Decimal representations and operations
- Data representation using pictographs, dot plots, bar graphs
- Basic geometric attributes like area/perimiter of 2D shapes